Worried about breaking your $20 hard drives? On Air, your content will be accessible forever.

An enterprise-grade solution to make your content organized, secure, and collaborative.

Why are companies moving from hard drives to Air?
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    Content creation is expensive Photo and video shoots costs thousands of dollars and the fruit of that labor is stored on spotty drives. Re-shoots are impossible and catastrophe is just a power surge away.

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    Remote work is impossible UPS estimates suggest that 10 out of 200 packages contain a hard drive that is being sent across the country so that teams can collaborate. While that stat isn't entirely accurate (maybe?), we've heard way too many anecdotes about this type of setup.

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    Organization is non existent If you want to find that one shot from that one shoot from that one time a few years ago, you have to find that one photographer that took it. Otherwise, it'll be hours of plugging drives in and out of your computer, wasting days trying to get what you need.

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Floating assets on a blue background. Logo, packaging, product shots.
Brand Guidelines

Stop using the wrong image

Your company rebranded in 2018 but someone keeps using the old logo in emails and sales decks by mistake. Take control of your brand with permissions that protect your least creative team members from themselves.

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Floating assets of product packaging to illustrate how someone might upload content to a board on Air.
Content Transfer

Partners are people too

Working with freelancers and contractors shouldn't be so complicated. Allow guest members to access and contribute to your workspace with ease.

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"Our transition to remote work wouldn't have been possible without Air."

Creative Operations @ Robinhood

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Ready to make the switch? Create your workspace today.

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